The Grace of A New Beginning
The Grace of a New Beginning
Pastor Brandon Berg
Sermon's Big Idea: Even when we no longer believe in the possibility of a new beginning for ourselves, God remains relentlessly optimistic.
Sermon's Scripture: 2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 31; Psalm 51
What do we do when we’ve made a mess of things and we are desperate for the grace of a new beginning?
- Own it
- Confess it
- Ask God for help
- Offer to God your broken and contrite heart
- Have you ever been in the place where you were carrying the guilt and shame of your own actions and it affected almost every part of your life?
- Have you ever had a response like the one outlined in the song lyrics by Brother’s Osborne- “It Ain’t my Fault”?
- In what ways did you experience God’s love, forgiveness, and healing when you owned your actions, confessed your sin, and asked for help?
Brandon Berg
Executive Pastor
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