Who We Are

Cove Church is not a building, it's our people. 

That means whoever and wherever you are, you are Cove Church. And you're in good company. We are all just broken people who need Jesus to help us find peace and rest in order to be revived for whatever God is calling us to next. 


Our Cove Church Core Values represent what is valuable to us at Cove Church, and who we strive to be as a community as we imperfectly follow Jesus together. Everything we do points back to these five values:

1. HUMAN VALUE: We believe that every human being is immensely valuable to God and to us.

2. RELATIONSHIPS: We believe that genuine love and caring relationships are the key to the life of any endeavor.

3. PROCESS: We believe that becoming like Jesus is an ongoing and imperfect journey.

4. BEING BEFORE DOING: We believe that being WITH Jesus is foundational to doing FOR Jesus. 

5. ALL ARE MINISTERS: We believe that every person has God-given strengths to be used for God’s good purpose.

A few more helpful links:



Cove Church Response to Racial Inequality