Our Outreach Ministry is committed to reaching beyond the walls of Cove Church to show the love of Jesus to all people, from our local community to the ends of the earth.
This Spring: Global Outreach Mexico Mission Trip

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Join our Global Outreach team!
This team gathers every 4th Tuesday to pray and discuss sharing the gospel of Jesus around the world.
Agape International Missions

There are 261,000 people in Cambodia currently living in conditions of modern slavery. The country’s unique economic challenges, history, and geographic location made it a hub for targeting, transporting and harboring trafficking victims. Behind closed doors, there are women and minors waiting for rescue. At AIM, roughly 40% of survivors rescued from sex trafficking are minors. Cambodia used to be the child sex trafficking capital of the world, but change is happening!
City of Refuge International

Cove Church is providing care, education, and lifelong empowerment to orphaned children through our partnership with City of Refuge International. Each child receives food, clothing, education, immunizations and mosquito nets, and general medical care. Our children live in permanent foster families and have regular contact with each other. Foster families participate in training seminars on a biannual basis. Our hope is to continue to expand the number of children under our care!
Nation-2-Nation Christian University

N2NCU has been working for over a decade with experts to identify and address the most fundamental problems faced by the world's poor. With the help of doctors, community health experts, and nutritionists, N2NCU has developed video-based courses which provide simple and practical solutions designed for churches and communities in the developing world.
In rural communities in Latin America and Africa, families are learning to purify water, care for the sick, and raise healthy livestock. Impoverished urban families are learning how to provide proper nutrition to their children through simple techniques like rooftop gardening. And churches and communities all over the developing world are learning to come together and support each other in times of need and crisis.
Christ for the City - Renuevos La Carpio

Christ of the City International's mission is to help people transform cities by transforming lives. This is accomplished by engaging and mentoring the Body of Christ to develop ministries and programs to bring hope to the least evangelized cities of the world. Christ for the City is based in Omaha, Nebraska, and is making an impact in over 20 countries.
Bible Translation Project

Cove Church is helping sponsor efforts to translate the Bible into unwritten languages in countries around the world.
Eugene Mission

The Eugene Mission is not a homeless shelter in the traditional sense. While they certainly provide their guests with food and shelter – and do so with an abundance of God’s love – the Eugene Mission’s ultimate goal is to provide holistic long-term solutions that lead to the long-term wellness of their guests.
The Eugene Mission first offers hope by providing a path off the streets through their short-term Rescue Shelter. Once stabilized, the real work begins – the work of transitioning their guests permanently out of homelessness and back to a healthy community through the transformational programming of Life Change or the R3 (Rescue, Revitalize, & Restore) Academy.

OneHope is a network of pastors, leaders, churches, and ministries who join together to love God, love each other, and demonstrate Jesus's love to the greater Eugene/Springfield area.Their One Church - One Day prayer program provides a simple way for churches to pray 24/7 year-round,
Cove Church also pairs with OneHope in serving our community together with other local churches and ministries, including initiatives like Project Hope, Thanksgiving Meal Outreach, Every Child, School Partnerships, and Sheds of Hope.
Discover Church Planting

Discover Church Planting's mission is to serve and resource gospel-centered organizations, churches, and individuals who want to plant the gospel in new places to bring life to new people so that new churches will emerge. Their network reaches throughout the Pacific Region of the United States.
DCP provides assessment, coaching, training, and resources to church planters. Their desire is to empower called, creative, and skilled leaders with the tools necessary to reach as many people as possible with the Good News of Jesus!
Every Child

Every Child mobilizes our community to uplift children and families impacted by foster care in Oregon. There are so many ways to care for children and families in the foster care system, including fostering (short-term and long-term), volunteering, and donating.
Safe Families

Safe Families for Children is a faith-based movement motivated by compassion, generosity, and hospitality to keep children safe and families supported facing a crisis. They bring church and community together to mobilize an army of volunteers to advocate for vulnerable children and socially isolated families.
A Family for Every Child

A Family for Every Child is a non-profit organization located in Eugene, Oregon that focuses on improving the lives of foster children nationwide by finding adoptive families and providing support systems for waiting foster children.
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