An Invitation to Reconcile

Series: Summer Playlist


An Invitation to Reconcile

Pastor Aaron Sutherland

Regardless of where a relationship is today - Jesus wants to work out a better tomorrow.

John 10:10
The thief enters only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest.


Matthew 18:15-17
If your brother or sister sins against you, go and correct them when you are alone together. If they listen to you, then you’ve won over your brother or sister. But if they won’t listen, take with you one or two others so that every word may be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses. But if they still won’t pay attention, report it to the church. If they won’t pay attention even to the church, treat them as you would a Gentile and tax collector.

Often amidst the pain of conflict, what God has given to us as a last resort, sadly becomes our first step.

The first goal of reconciling broken relationships is to keep the circle of hurt as small as possible for as long as possible.

In relationships we must have good boundaries, while also being ready to build good bridges.


Matthew 18:18
I assure you that whatever you fasten on earth will be fastened in heaven. And whatever you loosen on earth will be loosened in heaven. 

Any reconciliation not grounded in GOD’S Kingdom, will be much easier to dismantle in THIS Kingdom.

In the prayer of reconciliation, we are asking Jesus to correct both our hearts, and the hearts of those we are at odds with.


Matthew 18:19-20
Again I assure you that if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, then my Father who is in heaven will do it for you.  For where two or three are gathered in my name, I’m there with them.

When reconciliation is happening at the table, Jesus pulls up a chair.

Spiritual agreement is Kingdom rocket fuel.

When we are in agreement with one another, Jesus is there with us.

Discussion Questions:

1. How have you seen keeping the circle of hurt small help in reconciliation? How have you seen things go poorly when the circle of hurt got big?

2. When have you seen prayer impact a broken relationship?

3. How have you seen God’s power displayed amidst reconciling you with another person?

Speaker: Aaron Sutherland

June 25, 2023

Aaron Sutherland

Lead Pastor

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