Truth & Lies

by Tony Read on May 21, 2021

"Sometimes I wonder, is He faithful?
Does He see me in my trouble?
Does He understand?
Sometimes I question if He's able
Can He rescue, can He save me
Again and again?
But when I look back
Did He move every mountain?
Did He part every sea?
Yes, He did
So yes, He can
Did He defeat the darkness?
Did He deliver me?
Yes, He did
So yes, He can."
- "Yes He Can" by Cain

How many times in our life do we struggle with those voices that tell us we're a failure? The lies that say God is so ashamed of you, or that you're not good enough? There are so many lies we hear from the enemy that Satan tries to put in our heads that we eventually believe is true.

But they are not true. And only by listening to the Spirit can you decipher that those are lies. In the Bible, John 16:13 says, "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth." And in John 8:44, it says Satan is the father of lies.

It's critical in this time of so much uncertainty that we put on the full armor of God. When we do that, we are able to tell what is true from what is not.

I want to encourage you today to commit to Christ in growing in deeper relationship with Him. Don't get sucked into the lies. Let the truth set you free.

Tags: truth, identity, lies


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