Jesus Walked the Same Way

by Aaron Sutherland on January 21, 2022

Hey friends, Pastor Aaron here with a quick word of encouragement today for all that you're walking through in your life. I was looking back through my most recent devotions and time with Jesus and this one stood out to me as something that might encourage us where we are. Hebrews 5:8 Is speaking of Jesus and it says, “Although he was the Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.” I think about that as such an extraordinary thing to say, that Jesus, being the Son of God, still walked through suffering and difficulty and part of it was the learning of obedience. Learning to walk on the path even when the path is not an easy one. That was part of his development, that was part of his character as a person. Even though in every way he was a son and an heir. 

The same is true for us. That we are all sons and daughters of the King. That in Christ we find ourselves in that relationship with God. And yet, that doesn't eliminate us from walking through hard things. But it’s a nice thought to know that we are not alone in that. That Jesus walked the same way. That Jesus walked through painful things out of obedience because it was part of walking in the bigger picture that God had for him. That he knew was upon his life. And the same is true for you. You’re probably walking through some tough stuff right now. In fact, I don't talk to anybody who isn’t walking through something tough. All of us are kind of walking through the same tough stuff, but then there’s all the individual difficulties in the midst of that. And for all of us, even though we are sons and daughters of the King, to be able to say, I’m going to keep walking close to Jesus regardless of the challenges I am facing, of the pain that is in my life. I’m going to keep pursuing Christ out of obedience. And especially when it’s hard, I’m going to say yes to him. And on the other side of that is learning what it is to walk in that obedience, saying, “whatever you have for me, Jesus, that‘s all I want.” And I won't shrink back from the difficult things. Because I understand that through those difficult things, often you’re bringing about the greatest good of my life. 

So I hope that’s how you would feel today, whatever challenges you might find yourself facing. You’re not alone in that, Jesus walked the same way. And we can be there for each other as well. We don’t have to walk alone in challenges we face, all of us together can know what it is to walk in that obedience and encourage each other amidst the challenges, knowing that it ultimately will be for our good. Have an amazing week, Cove Church! We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Tags: jesus, hope, suffering, pain, hurt


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