
Our MomCo Meetup at Cove Church is for moms with kids age 0-grown. We are for all moms! We include groups for moms of littles and bigger kids too. 

At Cove MomCo, we build circles of women who love each other like family and come together in the midst of the chaos and everyday tasks of motherhood to discuss relevant topics of motherhood, relationships, and identity. We are not afraid to talk about the things that really matter. Our MomCo group is a place of encouragement, belonging, and a group of moms who love each other fiercely and will remind you who you are when you are too worn down to remember. 

No matter if you are a working mom, a stay-at-home-mom, a mom pregnant with her first baby or a mom tearfully packing up the last of the baby items... if you're tired of feeling alone, if you've wondered if there is more joy in motherhood, if you're not sure if you're doing it right, or if you're pretty sure you're doing everything wrong, you belong here.

Registration is open for the 2024 Fall Semester!

If you have any questions about MomCo, please contact


What is a meeting like?

A typical meeting includes a guest speaker or digital content on a broad range of topics related to motherhood. These include things like parenting tips, self-care topics, relationship and communication tools - pretty much anything that could help or encourage a mom! We typically include some type of "fun" in each meeting, like an icebreaker or craft, and there is always time to visit with other moms and discuss the content more fully. Occasionally we mix in some special meetings with fun, celebratory, and/or seasonal activities. 

What is childcare like?

We offer childcare for infants and children 0 - 9 years of age. During our MomCo meetings, you can feel confident your kids are being cared for by trained childcare workers.  While curriculum/homeschool supervision is not offered for infants and children during this time, there are plenty of toys, games, crafts, and other activities to keep your kids busy so your kids can have fun while you get a break! If you have a child 10 years of age or older that you would like to bring with you, please contact us directly to discuss arrangements for them. If you have any special needs or concerns for your children, please contact us.

Why two sessions during the year?

The year is split into two sessions to provide an easier point of entry for new moms, to better accommodate schedule changes during the year, and to spread the overall cost throughout the year. While there will be some moms who choose to join for only one session, we anticipate many of our moms will participate for the whole year.

Why do I have to register with both MomCo International AND Cove Church?

Great Question!!!  As a charter group under MomCo International, all of our moms must register through MomCo International to have access to the digital content that MomCo International provides. Your MomCo International fees also provide you with additional benefits from MomCo International and help support MomCo groups globally. Your registration and fees through Cove Church provide us with additional information about you (and your children, if applicable). Your Cove Church fees cover our local group expenses, including charter fees, hospitality and craft supplies, and other fun things we do at meetings and for our moms. We work really hard to make our registration fees as low as possible!  If finances are a barrier to registration, please contact us.



“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

The wilds are unexpected places where the best things begin. Hope is often born in the wilds. Frequently in the Bible, the wilderness is where God transforms us, raises us as leaders, and prepares us to live passionately and with purpose.

It’s where God wrestles with Jacob and gives him a new name.

It’s where Moses is called to rise as a leader even though he feels inadequate.

It’s where Hagar is reminded that God sees her.

It’s where the nation of Israel was brought to prepare for the Promised Land.

It’s where David penned the Psalms.

It’s where God protects, provides for and prepares Elijah.

It’s where John the Baptist took on the moniker of “a voice calling the wilderness.”

It’s a testing-ground where Jesus faces off with temptation before his ministry began.

Audacious, unbridled purpose and possibility are found when we are willing to go through some discomfort to follow God to a new place. This is the message that came to God’s people who were exiled in Babylon. They were living in constant disappointment, corruption, division, and exhaustion, yet Isaiah’s words invite them to get passionate about their future. Babylon is not an end but a beginning. God was doing something new, but it was going to look different than they thought it would.

Having Wild Hope means we will:

Be Open to Receive

“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.” - Mark 10:51

Moms are notoriously brilliant at caring for others, but when we get tapped out, we often try to dig our own wells instead of drinking from the stream God has provided. But this is going to be a year where we practice receiving. It means drinking from the stream in the desert, eating the manna provided, accepting help when needed, saying yes to Jesus’ sacrifice for us, and trusting in God’s power. This is the year of letting go of the belief that we must manage every detail and over-analyze every decision. Instead, we will be open to trusting that God will provide at the moment we most need it. 

Jesus frequently asked people, “What do you want me to do for you?” . It’s a complicated question, right? When was the last time you thought about what you REALLY want deep in your soul? When you don’t have clarity, it’s easy to live untethered – to have a life ordered and prioritized by others telling you what you should want. Is it possible that with all the choices available to us, we have lost focus and are chasing a thousand different ways of doing life because we have no idea what we really want and need? Does your life align with your values? This year, we will get clear about what we want for our families and make room to receive the new rhythms, habits, and opportunities God offers. This is the year of trusting God to guide our decisions, calm our anxious searching and free us from believing it’s all up to us.

Build Endurance

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” - Romans 5:3-5

Endurance helps us discover the secret of contentment, which is the ability to find hope in any situation. It is tempting to outsource the growth process, to take the easiest route, but the advancement never lasts. Stop waiting for enough confidence or motivation to take action, motivation comes from action. We must do the uncomfortable work by showing up and putting in the reps, building the habits and developing discipline. This is how we are reminded that just because something is difficult doesn’t mean we are doing it wrong. Instead, it’s an opportunity to endure, build character and rediscover hope.

In order to build endurance, we are going to: Get outside __________.

our house.

our routine.

our fears.

our head.

our circumstances.

our control.

Live Passionately

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13

Choosing passion means living fully committed. We are all asked to do more than we can do. Every hero and heroine of the Bible does more than they thought was possible – Peter walked on water, Sarah had a baby even though it was biologically impossible, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego survived a fiery furnace and Moses stood in the middle of a sea trusting God to part the water. The story of God is filled with passionate and flawed people who God used to do impossible things. What if this is the year you pursue risky obedience and passionately go all-in with God?

Living passionately also means accepting the new thing God asks you to step into while simultaneously enjoying what you’ve already been given. It’s about living your normal everyday life beautifully and audaciously. What do you want yourkids to remember about their childhood? Do more of that. What would you love to do that you haven’t done yet? Today is the day to start. Why not let loose your inner hugging person, even if you’ve tamped her down in social settings before? Why not wear the pants you didn’t think you could pull off? Seduce your husband and make his day. Enjoy your work and view it as a blessing – do it with all your might. Don’t just make it through the day; add a little romance. Why not go for it? Your life has been given to you as a gift from God; it doesn’t always have to be serious and high-stakes – go and enjoy it.

Questions about MomCo?

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