This year as we head into the holiday season,
we will be approaching Christmas through the lens
of returning to the Promises of Christmas amidst a weary world.
How can we do that?
Join us as we walk through the Advent Season. We'll be lighting a candle each week in service, ending with the final lighting during our Christmas Eve Services.
We welcome you to enjoy your own candle lighting experience as family at home. Below is a link to an online book that will walk you through each week's lighting, and includes a weekly scripture, prayer, and carol to match the advent theme each week.
At Cove, we are all about celebrating Jesus in a meaningful and memorable way. Our team is preparing special music and creative elements to bring some extra joy to your Christmas this year!
All of our services will feature singing together by candlelight, allowing you a quiet moment to pause and reflect.
The joy and light of Christmas doesn't have to end after the holidays are over. At our Christmas Eve services this year, you'll hear a message of hope to help you revive for the journey ahead.
We believe every service is an opportunity to be real and authentic with one another. Simply take a moment to talk with someone else and be just who you are right now, no filters necessary.
Our littlest Cove Kids have time to play and have FUN in our preschool classrooms while they hear about Jesus!
Our elementary-aged Cove Kids will be celebrating Christmas Eve with us in our main auditorium! Coloring activity packs will be available during all of these fun, family-friendly services.
We want to share this special celebration with all of our loved ones...and your loved ones too!
We encourage you to invite your family, friends, neighbors - whoever God puts it on your heart to invite - to one of our three services this holiday season.
Since Christmas Eve lands on a Sunday this year, and our traditional candlight services are in the evening, we'll be providing an online-only experience during our regular Sunday morning service times - 9AM & 11AM.
We hope you have a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends this year! We return to regular services, at our regular service times, on
Questions? We'd love to help!